Tìtulo: | italobestofthebest .blogspot.com |
Name*: | luigi |
Email*: | luigi.piedigrossi@yahoo.co.uk |
Upload Image: | italo best of the best 21. mixed by luigi dec.2014.jpg |
Escribe aquì tu mensaje .*: | Benson i hope all well with you my good man. some more good classics on this new mix.i try make it sound good. also i get some response for some of them, also thanks to you. i never forget you Amigo. i post the mixes on my facebook as usual. take care and have a good Christmas and best of luck for the new year to you and the family. regards from Luigi. RESPONSE : Hello my friend, you and wishing you all happy holidays and a prosperous 2015, expecting everything to be the best and that all are well and clearly enjoying the Italo Disco! , See you soon! . http://filecloud.io/q59rvb0s#.VI2LuTWRbLc.facebook |
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